8 FAQs About Shockwave Therapy

Dr. Nadler applies a shockwave therapy device to a patient's right leg.

What is radial shockwave therapy?

Focused and Radial shockwave therapy uses low and high energy sound waves to heal injured tissue. Acoustic waves pulse through the body to penetrate the treatment area and stimulate your body cells to heal the connective tissue.

Does shockwave therapy hurt?

Depending on the level of discomfort you currently have, you may experience some discomfort associated with shockwave therapy treatment. However, the treatment lasts just 15-20 minutes, and most patients get through the procedure without any problem. Also, Dr. Nadler can adjust the intensity during the session to ensure your comfort and well-being.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments varies depending on each person and the condition treated. It also depends on how your tissue responds to shockwave therapy. Keep in mind that the benefits of this treatment are cumulative. We generally recommend at least three to five treatments for maximum impact. Most patients experience some relief following the first session.

How often do I have to come back?

Most conditions treated with shockwave therapy respond well after three to five treatments. Typically, we recommend spacing the treatments out between three to five days between each session. This allows your tissue to continue to respond and receive the full benefit of this rejuvenating procedure.

What can I expect after the treatment?

Most patients report pain relief immediately following the treatment. Within two to four hours after your session, you may have some soreness in the area. The soreness should not prevent you from continuing day to day activities.

Who does focused and radial shockwave therapy help?

If you have injuries that have not healed, you may benefit from focused and radial shockwave therapy in the injured area. Many people have tried other treatments, such as sleeves and medication, without long-term relief. Shockwave therapy offers an alternative treatment for conditions that have not responded well to traditional therapy.

If your injury prevents you from doing things that you enjoy and you do not want to get a steroid injection or surgery, shockwave therapy might help your body heal the area naturally.

What conditions does shockwave therapy treat?

Here are some of the conditions that we treat with radial shockwave therapy:

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Golfers Elbow
  • Achilles Tendinopathy
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Trochanteric Bursitis
  • Calcific Tendinopathy
  • Issues with biceps and rotator cuff

Where is the best place to get shockwave therapy?

Find out if shockwave therapy can treat your stubborn injuries and help reduce the residual pain that makes everyday tasks difficult. Come to the office of Dr. David W. Nadler & Associates, a leading provider of chiropractic services in Philadelphia, including radial shockwave therapy. Contact us with any questions you may have or to make an appointment today.